
Speed Up Internet Explorer (IE) Hack

Speed Up Internet Explorer

Speed Up Internet Explorer (IE) Hack

alt="internet Exporer Tricks: Rahul" v:shapes="Picture_x0020_4">



Isn't it annoying when you
want to go to a new website, or any other site but your homepage, and you have
to wait for your 'home' to load? This tweak tells Internet Explorer to simply
'run', without loading any webpages. (If you use a 'blank' page, that is still a
page, and slows access. Notice the 'about:blank' in the address bar. The blank
html page must still be loaded..). To load IE with 'nothing' [nothing is
different than blank]:


Right-click on any shortcut you have to IE

[You should create a shortcut out of your desktop IE icon, and delete the
original icon]


Click Properties


Add ' -nohome' [with a space before the dash] after the endquotes in the
Target field.


Click OK

Fire up IE from your modified shortcut, and be amazed by how fast you are able
to use IE!

~ cheers ~ (it works)



Edit your link to start Internet Explorer to have -nohome after it. For Example:
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" -nohome

This will load internet explorer very fast because it does not load a webpage
while it is loading. If you want to go to your homepage after it is loaded, just
click on the home button.


Open registry editor by going to Start then >> Run and entering >> regedit.

Once in registry, navigate to key.

Right click @ windows right > New > DWORD.

Type MaxConnectionsPerServer > You can set value (the more higher the no, the
more good speed u get, e;g : 99). [99 in hexa so 153 in binary]

Create another DWORD >type MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server. Then put a high value as
mentioned above.

Restart I.E and you are done.



When you connect to a web site your computer sends information back and forth,
this is obvious. Some of this information deals with resolving the site name to
an IP address, the stuff that tcp/ip really deals with, not words. This is DNS
information and is used so that you will not need to ask for the site location
each and every time you visit the site. Although WinXP and win2000 has a pretty
efficient DNS cache, you can increase its overall performance by increasing its
size. You can do this with the registry entries below:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00






make a new text file and rename it to dnscache.reg. Then copy and paste the
above into it and save it. Then merge it into the registry.



Set your default page to about:mozilla and IE will show a nice blue screen upon



Open a command prompt window on the desktop (Start/Run/command).

2. Exit IE and Windows Explorer (iexplore.exe and explorer.exe, respectively, in
Task Manager, i.e - Ctrl-Alt-Del/Task Manager/Processes/End Process for each).

3. Use the following command exactly from your command prompt window to delete
the corrupt file:

C:\>del "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local

Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat

4. Restart Windows Explorer with Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del/Task
Manager/Applications/New Task/Browse/C:\Windows\explorer.exe[or your path]
) or
Shutdown/Restart the computer from Task Manager.




v'e personally found a dramatic increase in web browsing after clearing the
Windows XP DNS cache. To clear it type the following in a command prompt:
ipconfig /flushdns.


This is to increase the the number of max downloads to 10.

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).

2. Locate the following key in the registry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value , and then add the following registry



4. Quit Registry Editor.



This protocol is distined to replace the Internet Protocal Version 4 used by
Internet Explorer it uses hexadecimal ip addresses instead of decimal example
(decimal ip (hexadecimal IP 2001:6b8:0:400::70c)

To install To install the IPv6 Protocol for Windows XP:

Log on to the computer running Windows XP with a user account that has local
administrator privileges. Open a command prompt. From the Windows XP desktop,
click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command
Prompt. At the command prompt, type: ipv6 install

For more information on IPv6, visit the site below:




Here's an easier way to get to index.dat file as addresse in another tweak
submitted here.

1. click on Internet Explorer

2. go to to your root dir (usually C:)

3. open Documents and Settings folder

4. open "your username folder"

5. open UserData

6. **close IE if you have it open**

rename index.dat to index.old

logoff and log back on (don't need to restart) open up IE and go to a web page
or site that always seemed to load slowly. It should load a lot more quickly
now. NOTE. Always rename or backup .dat or other system files before deleting.

Disable Right Click!!

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions]


Enable Right Click!!

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions]


do u
want to save entire Page For offline viweing??


Saving Web Pages with Internet Explorer 6

Occasionally, you may want to save an entire Web page on your computer (text,
hyperlinks, graphics, and all). To save the Web page that currently appears in
Internet Explorer, choose File-->Save As to open the Save Web Page dialog box
shown in the following figure. Select the folder in which you want the page
saved and then click the Save button.

After saving a Web page on your hard drive, you
can open it in Internet Explorer and view the contents even when you're not
connected to the Internet. If your motive for saving the Web page, however, is
to be able to view the content when you're not connected to the Internet, you're
better off saving the page as a Favorite marked for offline viewing. That way,
you can decide whether you want to view other pages linked to the one you're
saving and you can have Internet Explorer check the site for updated content.

You can also e-mail a Web page or a link to the
page to a colleague or friend. To send the current Web page in a new e-mail
message, click File-->Send-->Page by E-mail on the Explorer menu bar and then
fill out the new e-mail. To send a link to the page instead, click
File-->Send-->Link by E-Mail. To create a desktop shortcut to the Web page,
click File-->Send-->Shortcut to Desktop.


~ all of them are tested ! ~


Alternate trick

Before performing these steps you need to test your
broadband speed

you can test your speed at

The broadband connection speed can be increased by clearing the route from modem
to server. Number of packets sent by modem to server should be
increased.Internet speed can be increased by increasing more number of incoming
and outgoing packets.The main reason why your internet connection is slow is
because of harmful virus.If your system is infected with virus your number of
incomming packets will be decreased.This leads to your slower internet
speed.Internet speed can be increased by by clearing the route to the server.

This can be done by upgrading costly sofwares and hardwares.This will optimize
your system speed.And Increase your system speed.Internet tweak is the best
software which increases your system speed for further applications.Another
software Windows power tools which makes windows faster and increases your
internet speed.And decreases downloading time.It optimizes LAN,CABLE,DSN
etc.Another software "internet cyclone"which increases your internet speed from
64kbps to 120kbps.

This tip is designed for increased BROADBAND speed in Windows XP while using
standard Network Interface cards (NIC) that are connected to ADSL modems, or
when using any directly-connected USB ADSL modem.

To speed up the
Internet connection speed we need to configure a special buffer in the
computer's memory in order to enable it to better deal with interrupts made from
the NIC or the USB modem.

This tip is only recommended if you have 256MB RAM or higher.

Step #1 - Identify the IRQ used by the NIC/USB modem

1. Open the System Information tool by running MSINFO32.EXE from the Run

2. Expand System Summary > Hardware Resources > IRQs.

3. Look for the listing made for your NIC (in my case - a Intel® PRO/100+
Management Adapter). Note the IRQ next to the specified line (in my case -

In case of USB modems you will first need to
find the right USB device used by your modem. Follow these steps:

Open the Device Manager tool by running DEVMGMT.MSC from the Run command (or
by right-clicking My Computer > Hardware tab > Device Manager button).

2. Scroll down to Universal Serial Bus controllers and expand it.

Right-click the USB Root Hub and select Properties. Note that you might need
to do so for all listed USB Root hubs (if there are more than one) in order to
find the right one.

4. In the Power tab, look for your USB ADSL modem.

5. In the Resources tab look for the assigned IRQ (in this case - IRQ21).

6. This is the IRQ we're looking for.

Note: IRQs and modem names might vary...

Step #2 - Modify the system.ini file

Run SYSEDIT.EXE from the Run command.

2. Expand the system.ini file window.

3. Scroll down almost to the end of the file till you find a line called

4. Press Enter to make one blank line, and in that line type IRQX=4096 where X
is the designated IRQ number we found in step #1, in my case it's IRQ21.

Note: This line IS CASE SENSITIVE!!!

Click on the File menu, then choose Save.

Close SYSEDIT and reboot your computer.

Done. Speed improvement will be noticed after
the computer reboots.