1.CTRL + Mousewheel up/down: It will change the font size in a conversation window.
2.CTRL + E: Center text
3. CTRL + R: Right justify text
4.CTRL + L: Left justify text
5.F11: Start a call
6.F12: Stop the call
7.ESC: Close the current window
8. ALT + ESC: For minimizing the current window
9. Some smileys are converted by Google Talk: , :-O, :-x, :-P, :-D, :-), , B-).
10.To write bold text: Type the text like this *TEXT*
11.To write italic text: Type _your gtalk message_
Some secret parameters which you can
add to G Talk for performing different functions:
12./nomutex: It allows you to open more than one instance of Google Talk.
13. /register: It writes Google Talk settings in the registry.
14./checkupdate: It checks for the new version, if any.
15. /factoryreset: It reverts to default settings.
16./s Update: It is used while upgrading Google Talk.
17. /diag: It starts Google Talk in diagnostic mode.